Now we continue our journey into prearranged funeral is part two of our discussion. Family Owned Funeral Homes.
Why Work with a Family-Owned Funeral Home?
What's in a name? In the funeral industry, name recognition means a lot. People tend to trust names they recognize and that are well regarded in the community. When conglomerates acquire some of these small, family-owned funeral homes, they keep the original name because it's a selling point. It's the ticket, if you will. People do choose funeral homes that they're familiar with and are likely to return to one that has provided them with good service in the past.Your first call, when death occurs in the family, is to your neighborhood funeral home. It's natural for people to call on familiar names. Angela Patterson of Anderson-Patterson Cremation & Funeral Services, Fort Myers and Lehigh Acres, FL., says "doing business with a family owned and operated funeral home is essential in this current time, it gives the family the confidence and sense of ease that is needed in these very difficult situations. We do our best to make each and every family feel at home in our funeral homes as well as try to provide a homey setting so they can feel at ease and at home." Mr. Anderson, also with Anderson-Patterson has been in the funeral business for nearly 40 years and also feels that neighborhood and family are very important when dealing with the death of a loved one. It seems that the small family-owned funeral homes will continue to do well and are here for the long haul. Acquisition groups, which are buying cemeteries and funeral homes, have not obliterated them. Their commitment to the family and to personalized service will keep them in the game-even if the big guys can continue charging less by buying caskets and other funeral products at volume discount. Not a worry for Daryn Patterson "It's not like going to Wal-mart to buy a dress," he offers. "But we do give affordable, personal service and provide a funeral experience for the living."
Family-Owned Funeral Homes--What's So Special about Them? Why choose a family-owned funeral home? Family-owned funeral homes are locally owned and operated, independent funeral homes. Many families have been in funeral service for generations. They have a personal relationship with the community and are actively involved in the communities they serve. With family-owned funeral homes, everything they do reflects their on-going commitment to provide affordable, quality services to the community. Customer trust is built slowly over time. Famil
y-owned funeral homes are usually staffed by family members, members of the community, and graduates from local colleges. Conglomerates (corporations) buy funeral homes from all over the country. When purchased by a conglomerate, some families continue to run and maintain the funeral home. From outward appearances, you cannot tell whether a funeral home is family or corporate owned. To find a family-owned funeral home in your area, take the time to make some phone calls or talk to others in your community or even your church, most pastors know who is family owned and who is corporate owned.