Are you a baby boomer? Most of my friends are and if you are, your friends probably are too. Do you have parents or grandparents that you are responsible for? Do you know where to look for the right person to sit with them or the right place for them to get the medication they so desperately need? Well, I have some answers to those questions. First of all "breath". This is going to be a bumpy ride, but you are the one who can do it, you've taken the first step, 'cause you have stepped up to the plate and are the caregiver or the inspiration behind it all. You are going to be fine and you are going to do a GREAT job.
One place to look for someone to sit with an aged parent or grandparent is your church, the senior center where you live or more importantly where they live, some churches offer senior daycare, these can be good places for seniors to go, there is interaction with others of their own age and also someone to look after them while you are at work or even while you are running your errands. Another place, look at the grocery store, this may sound funny, but most stores have bulletin boards with all kinds of info for sitters, etc. The medication part is a little more complicated, but check with the church, they may offer a program for seniors, check with the drug company that makes the meds, sometimes they offer plans for seniors, also the senior center is a good avenue for information. It may take some leg-work, but it will be worth it.
One of the places you may want to look for answers to other questions you may have is @boomerauthority, ask your questions from Twitter and get answers. The other one is, search on something and get a list of links and places to go to get answers. These are some great resources for Boomers to get information or just get knowledge....that is important in our lives today as well.
Boomers are one of the largest age groups today, keep up with all of it, check out all your resources and don't get left behind. WikipediA describes the baby-boomers as the post World War II baby boom. We are the Beatlemania, anti-VietNam war movement, Howdy-Doody, StarTrek, and Mission Impossible TV shows, and then there's Woodstock. One of the unique features of Boomers is that they tend to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before. In the 1960s, as the relatively large numbers of young people became teenagers and young adults, they, and those around them, created a very specific rhetoric around their cohort, and the change they were bringing about. So if you are in this group you are a Boomer...Enjoy IT...