I was going through some brochures recently and found one from Healing Help that really has some excellent points, it was presented by Kelly Baltzell M.A. & Karin Baltzell, Ph.D. Here are some excerpts from this wonderful brochure. These authors are associated with www.beyondindigo.com should you want additional information.
Death is not a concept embraced warmly in our culture. In fact, if at all possible, most of us try not to think about our death. Pre-Planning your funeral can be an act of caring for your friends and family members. They will know exactly what you want for your final ceremony and will not have to make decisions when they are grieving. Pre-Planning, most especially, gives you peace of mind and a sense of control. Pre-Planning does not have to be overwhelming or scary. Here are some things to keep in mind.
1. Speak Up: It is your funeral. Make sure you write down and talk to friends and family about what you wish for your funeral including cremation or burial, type if casket, memorial stones, or urn you wish to use.
2. Write Down Your Thoughts: A new concept for letting family and friends know your thought is called an Ethical Will. An Ethical Will gives your thoughts for people you have cared about during your life.
3. Make Decisions: Make decisions on who receives your assets before you are gone. These decisions create a precious way to pass on memories and stories to your family before you die.
After you have planned your final ceremony and you have decided you want to set aside funds to cover the costs, make sure you understand your options for Pre-Paying as well as the terminology used. Here are some things to know:
1. Direct Pay: You can pay the funeral home directly, it then places the money in a "funeral trust" at the bank. The trust builds interest in hopes that it will keep pace with inflation between the time the money is deposited and the time it is needed.
2. Time Payments: Some funeral homes make arrangements for you to pay them over time, (very few are doing this today) most would prefer you take out an insurance policy.
3. Know the Insurance Company: Many companies offer preneed insurance, like many companies offer car insurance, be sure you understand the difference offered by each like price, and type of coverage. Also, be sure you know the growth rate in combination with the death benefit will it be enough to satisfy the funeral cost at time of need.
4. Understand the Payment Plans: Pre-need insurance usually is offered with different plan options. One payment plan may fit your financial needs more than other plans.
5. Find The Right Plan: Talk to your Funeral Director or Prearrangement Consultant about your funeral plan. Make sure he or she knows whether you might move away from where the funeral home is located, have special burial plans in a cemetery out of town, or future financial concerns.
Pre-planning your funeral might seem overwhelming. However if you think of it as a way to pass on cherished memories and wishes, planning could become a rewarding experience that can offer great peace of mind.