Friday, April 18, 2014

Tax season over...

Tax season is finally over and now kite flying can become a priority once again....after all of my other responsibilities....
Got to fly a couple times this week and boy was that fun. The wind was good and the companionship was great too. My Prism is just the right kite to fly in the conditions we had this past week, not a lot of wind but just enough to get in the air and stay there. Coming down was a bit of a challenge a couple of times, she didn't want to.....
So, once again we'll try to be flying regularly and enjoying all of it...

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Windy and flying

Today was soooo windy, the sky was so blue and pretty cloudless, not like the pic but it was great. A one point I thought I might get to fly away....So much fun!!!

Monday, April 07, 2014

No flying recently

I am sorry to say it has been awhile since I have been able to fly any of my kites, but in about 7 days, 10 hours, 21 minutes and 10, 9' 8 seconds I will be done with tax season again...and back to flying. Today looks like it may be a good day to fly we'll see.

Just wanted to touch base and let all know that flying is not at an end....